Monday, April 20, 2015

Bridge'ing the gap ...

The  shaft from the bridges rotating ships wheel coupled to a pot to tells position to microprocessor. In turn the microprocessor activates the lights on the compass.
The wheel and the pot are not on exact centers causing wearout of the pot. How to make an inexpensive flexible coupler?...heh heh! Good idea Jeff

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Taking a bow!

The construction of the sunken ship in the "stingray touch pool" continues with the fabrication and installation of the bow. The dimensions were extracted from the 3D model and laid out on the floor of the shop as a reference. The  bow was then fabricated in multiple modular pieces so that it could be carried to the exhibit and installed. After stressing the surface with cuts and holes, the entire bow was coated with the "secret stucco" making it look like rotted wood that matched the entry section.
As an added touch, an in house designed electronic eye gadget (Arduino based) was added in one of the holes of the bow. 

Visit us and check out these new additions to the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium.
We will update you as we complete the last section of the sunken hull which is the starboard side of the ship. 

We have allot more cool things planned so:

Pictures of the bows construction follow, I think they are self explanatory.